Sunday, May 20, 2007

Decoration Tip - Colored Bottles

If your dorm room is looking a little sparse and searching for some juicy colors, here's a quick tip to bring the spectrum in!

All you need is a windowsill (or a table that lines up with the lower edge of the window if you don't have a sill), six or seven clear glass soda bottles (I love the bottles from the Jones Soda Company myself), some food dye and enough water to fill the bottles.

First, decide on a theme for the colors. Do you want the light to shine through a certain color and drape the room in that hue? Or do you want a bunch of haphazard vivacious colors? It's up to you.

Next, clean the bottles if you haven't already and fill about 95% of each bottle with water. Leave just a little room at the top. You can leave the label on or take it off, it is up to you.

Now comes the fun part! Using the food dye, color each bottle exactly how you'll want it. In my room at home, I have crimson walls and a red motif. So I filled four of my seven bottles with red dye and the others with yellow, blue and green. The varying colors add just enough interest to make it eye catching without making it too overwhelming.

Place the bottles in a sunny window and enjoy! This project is quick, simple and most importantly, cheap!

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